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Latest notes on care vouchers

The Elderly Community Care Service Voucher Scheme (CCS Voucher) was launched by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) in 2013 to allow eligible elderly persons aged 65 or above to freely choose appropriate community care services according to their personal needs to support their ageing at home. The Government will subsidize 60% to 95% of the monthly cost according to the affordability of the elderly.
The community voucher adopts the model of "money follows people", which means that the right to choose services is handed over to the elderly, who can independently choose the appropriate recognized service unit, service items and service volume.

Things to note when applying for community care vouchers

Elderly Community Care Service Vouchers adopt the principle of "those who can afford to pay more" and are jointly funded by the holder and the government. The government will conduct a means assessment based on the income of the elderly and their family members (parents, children, and spouse living together in Hong Kong), and refer to the average monthly income of the family household in the three months before submitting the application to determine the proportion of fees that the elderly need to pay, that is, the co-payment level. It should be noted that the assets of the elderly family household are not taken into account.

The "Community Voucher Issuance Notice" will show the voucher holder's co-payment level, which has 6 levels, namely 5%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 25% and 40% of the service package value. Elderly people only need to pay the proportion of their co-payment level, and the rest will be borne by the government.

How much is the community voucher worth?

In 2024-25, the maximum face value of each community voucher is $10,455 per month and the minimum face value is $4,372 per month. Elderly people can flexibly use community vouchers of different face values to purchase service packages according to their needs. The face value of community vouchers will be adjusted annually according to the comprehensive consumer price index.

Community voucher quota?

The community voucher has been regularised since September 2023. To meet the needs of more elderly people, the Government has increased the number of community vouchers. The number of beneficiaries has increased from the original 8,000 to 10,000 in 2023-24, and further increased to 12,000 in 2025-26.

Choose a government-recognized organization

Only approved service units, service items and services within the value of the community voucher under the community voucher scheme can receive government funding. After successfully obtaining the community voucher, the elderly can visit the Social Welfare Department's Elderly Information Website or log in to the Online Elderly Service Voucher Information System to search for the list of approved service units in the area where they live and view more detailed information.

Ying Ying Xuan - Elderly Community Care Service Voucher Approved Service Unit

Cherry Inn has been committed to providing diversified and high-quality community care services for the elderly. The service covers all 18 districts in Hong Kong and is one of the approved service units for the Social Welfare Department's Elderly Community Care Service Voucher. Elderly voucher holders can use the services provided by Cherry Inn , including physical therapy, nursing, cognitive training, speech therapy, home delivery of meals, etc., so that the elderly can receive care in the community and relieve the financial and care pressure of the family caregivers.

Elderly couple
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  1. 負擔能力較低的長者可獲較多政府資助,最高可達95%,大幅減輕他們的經濟負擔。

  2. 長者可以利用「社區券」購買長期護理服務,節省在這方面的開支。

  3. 服務單位會以團隊的方式來分擔照顧工作,讓長者能夠安心居家安老。

  4. 服務單位會先全面評估長者的身體狀況,度身訂造個人化的照顧方案。

  5. 長者可同時使用中心為本及家居為本的服務,例如住宿暫託服務、言語治療服務和輔助科技產品租借等,全面滿足他們的需求。

  6. 長者可自由選用和轉用認可的服務單位、服務項目和服務量,靈活調配。

  7. 長者可於一個曆月,向不多於兩間認可服務單位選購服務,增加選擇。


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Elderly Community Care Service Voucher

Door-to-door service locations include Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories

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